Friday, September 20, 2013

William Faulker: literary fashion icon

If you've spent any time at this school, you've probably realized that the men like to grow mustaches (or beards) and smoke pipes.

It makes them feel something like William Faulkner. That's nice. He was manly and wrote books about killing bears. Very cool. He also wore tweed. Also cool.

But, as the French say, l'habit ne fait le moine. A dashing mustache and pipe may not make you Faulkner (though it might help), but a well-fitted jacket and tie will make you look good.


  1. Ha! I quite agree, fabulous lady. Sadly, we lack that here...send some our way! Love your new blog!

  2. Just read "A Rose for Emily." Creepy at the end, but the writing is quite amazing.

    1. I will read that as soon as I have a spare moment. I love Faulkner's prose.
